Android 12 is coming: Google releases update for developers to test beta

Android 12 is coming: Google releases update for developers to test beta


The Android Beta Feedback update is a sign that Google wants feedback on the next version of the mobile operating system.

When Android 10 was developed in 2019, Google made the Android Beta Feedback app available to developers in order to receive information about bugs without having to access the bug tracker web page.

Google requested that they uninstall the app after ending last year’s beta program, and users who kept it received an update on February 4 to the Android Beta Feedback app.

The Android beta testing app is currently not usable, but the update hints that Android 12 development will likely be put to the test in a month.

At the moment we can find the message that the application to test the Android betas is not yet enabled. “Thank you for participating in the Android Beta program. The program has concluded and at this time we no longer accept comments through the application.”, Is announced in the application.

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This is a slight sign, but Android 12 is expected to arrive very soon with a host of changes focused on the security and privacy aspect.