There is something new about global warming. Thousands of researchers have come to an agreement to sign a report officially declaring the state of emergency climate.
For several decades, researchers have been trying to sound the alarm bell climate studies in support. Since the beginning of the industrial era, our activities have released into the atmosphere monstrous quantities of greenhouse gases. But it’s much more than our planet can handle today. In addition, climate change is going too fast.
In this sense, humanity is exposed to dramatic chain events that will occur in the years to come as a result of this accelerated warming. Besides, they are already happening. However, nothing seems today to be undertaken very clearly by the authorities to try to cope with this crisis. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase rapidly and have increasingly damaging effects on the Earth’s climate.
Global warming does not seem to be taken seriously. At least, it is not enough.
Earth facing a state of “climate emergency”
In the face of this climate emergency, several thousand scientists recently co-signed a report declaring a state of climate emergency.
“Scientists have a moral obligation to warn humanity of any catastrophic threat,” reads the preamble. “On the basis of this obligation, (…) we declare with more than 11,000 scientific scientists from all over the world, clearly and unequivocally, that the planet Earth is facing a climate emergency.”
They add, “If we do not bring swift, deep and lasting change in our lives, there will soon be” untold human suffering “.
This new report builds on forty years of publicly available data covering all of our activities and their impact on our planet. The conclusion is clear: “Despite 40 years of major global negotiations, we have generally continued our usual activities and we are unable to resolve this crisis. The climate crisis is accelerating faster than expected, threatening natural ecosystems and the destiny of humanity “.
Natural solutions such as reforesting lost forests alone could enable us to reach one third of our commitments signed under the Paris agreements. Actions like this are starting to take place, but we need to do more.
“Our objectives must move from the desire for GDP growth to the preservation of our ecosystems and the improvement of human well-being by giving priority to basic needs and the reduction of inequalities,” the researchers write.
According to the researchers, the richest countries will have to pave the way for these changes. At the same time, it will also be important to support and support the poorest countries.