The day after releasing the fifth beta for developers, Apple made the public version available to members of the beta-testing program. A well-advanced version of the next major update to the iPhone operating system that does not add any new features or big news, but a few notable changes.
For example, with iOS 14 Beta 5, users can change the time with a number wheel from the Clock app, instead of using the numeric keypad. Widgets ask for permission to access their user’s location. The Apple News widget is entitled to an extended version that allows you to have a greater overview of the news. Note also the appearance of a new option that allows you to hide a photo album in the Photos app. Find all the new features of the beta, here.
If you want to get iOS 14 before everyone else, you can do so by simply joining Apple’s beta testing program. Note that it is recommended to install beta software on secondary devices.
Since betas are not final releases, they may contain bugs that can damage your iPhone. If the adventure tempts you, we explain how to proceed here. Once registered, you will be able to test beta for iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS, and the recently joined watchOS.
If you are already part of the program, go to your device updates to download the new beta.